Affiliation with the University
Story Relation
Twin Cities Campus
Dear Minnesota,
I could spell Minnesota before I could spell Amanda, simply from singing The Minnesota Rouser since I was a toddler. I was originally drawn to the University of Minnesota for its sports culture, but since graduating have found that my four years as a student provided me with a well-rounded education and experiences which have become the foundation for my career in sports. After moving away from the state of Minnesota, University of Minnesota alumni and Golden Gopher fans have gone from people I’ve met at Gopher Football Watch Parties to lifelong friends. Now, the never-ending learning opportunities from my University of Minnesota Alumni Association Board of Directors positions have allowed for continued involvement with the place that has shaped me since my first Men’s Hockey games at Mariucci Arena. Without the spell out from The Minnesota Rouser, without my pivotal time on campus, without these Minnesota friends outside of my home state, and without the ability to still give back to my beloved maroon and gold alma mater, I wouldn’t be me. My name may be Amanda, but I’ve been molded, educated, loved by, and grown by the University of Minnesota. I am Minnesota.
I could spell Minnesota before I could spell Amanda, simply from singing The Minnesota Rouser since I was a toddler. I was originally drawn to the University of Minnesota for its sports culture, but since graduating have found that my four years as a student provided me with a well-rounded education and experiences which have become the foundation for my career in sports. After moving away from the state of Minnesota, University of Minnesota alumni and Golden Gopher fans have gone from people I’ve met at Gopher Football Watch Parties to lifelong friends. Now, the never-ending learning opportunities from my University of Minnesota Alumni Association Board of Directors positions have allowed for continued involvement with the place that has shaped me since my first Men’s Hockey games at Mariucci Arena. Without the spell out from The Minnesota Rouser, without my pivotal time on campus, without these Minnesota friends outside of my home state, and without the ability to still give back to my beloved maroon and gold alma mater, I wouldn’t be me. My name may be Amanda, but I’ve been molded, educated, loved by, and grown by the University of Minnesota. I am Minnesota.